As you can see from the list below, there are many ministries within the parish which you might like to know more about, or even become involved with. If you would like any further information on our parish or any of the ministries mentioned here, please phone the parish office.
ALTAR SERVERS (Children & Adults) The Altar Servers Ministry is now thriving with Servers both young and old. Adults and Children alike are now ministering at Mass during the week and at the weekend.
ALTAR SOCIETY This group looks after the washing of altar linen, decorating the sanctuary & care of altar vessels.
BAPTISM PREPARATION GROUP This ministry involves meeting with families about to have a child baptized, so that they can participate more fully in the celebration of the sacrament and understand better the responsibilities it carries with it.
CHILDREN'S LITURGY Here at Regina Caeli we have a strong and talented team who lead Children’s Liturgy of the Word at the 7.30am Masses. Children are invited after the Gathering Hymn to proceed to the parish hall for readings, gospel and discussion appropriate for prep and primary school aged children. Those not yet of school age are welcomed to attend if accompanied by an adult. Parents are welcome to attend with children of any age. All return to the church for the Procession of Gifts (offertory).
COMMUNION TO THE SICK Every weekend there is a dedicated group of parishioners who take Holy Communion to those parishioners who are not able to attend Mass.
EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS These men and women assist the priest at weekend and weekday Masses in distributing Holy Communion.
LITURGY COMMITTEE This group of dedicated parishioners meet regularly to plan all liturgies in the church year
MAINTENANCE MINISTRY This is a dedicated group who are willing to share their talents for keeping all the parish’s property in good working order. This allows all parsishioners and visitors to enjoy our beautiful and vast surrounds.
FRIENDSHIP GROUP Meet regularly to discuss fund raising activities and social events.
MUSIC & LITURGY MINISTRY The Music ministry at Regina Caeli consists of a diverse range of talented musicians whose goal is to provide musical accompaniment that responds to all needs of the parish. The Cliffters is a parish vocal group who come together on the fourth Friday of each month to sing and enjoy new and older hymns.
PARISH FINANCE COMMITTEE The Parish Finance Council is responsible for the financial matters faced by the Parish. Budgetary matters are sent to this council for discussion and approval.
PARISH LEADERSHIP TEAM The PLT is the policy body of the parish. It meets once a month to discuss impending matters affecting the Parish.
RCIA MINISTRY Run by a dedicated team, the RCIA ministry has been successful in assisting many parishioners to join the Catholic Church. Every year the RCIA is able to bring people to God, assisting in many faith journeys.
READERS MINISTRY Every day readers of the Word who minister scripture to the congregation through the readings and the psalms. With clear pronunciation and loud voices, they bring the scriptures to life at each Mass!
SACRAMENTAL MINISTRY This parish group assists families each year to prepare their children for the sacraments of Reconciliation, Confirmation and the Eucharist.
TRANSPORT TO MASS MINISTRY Some of our parishioners would not be able to get to Sunday Mass were it not for the help of those kind people happy to give them a lift. If you are in need of transport contact parish office.
WELCOMING COMMITTEE Most people appreciate it when someone tries to make them feel welcome at Mass and other church functions. The Welcoming Committee’s aim is that our parishioners and visitors feel they are welcome members of our community.